Christmas at SVWC


Visit and View our Holiday Displays

December 13, 2019

Christmas at SVWC

It seems that Shenandoah Valley Westminster-Canterbury is becoming Winchester’s destination for theChristmas spirit. Everywhere you look, you see, another lovely Christmas tree! More importantly, for the third year, we have organized a charming and fascinating display of Nativity and Crèche treasures, which have delighted residents, staff, and visitors alike. No two scenes are the same. You’ll see everything from a tiny plastic set, which was a childhood purchase many years ago, to elaborate porcelain sets from Europe. The variety is endless.

Also, there are two 19th Century village displays adjacent to the Crèches belonging to residents Bill Mills and Jim and Margaret Anderson. The Trumbore’s are sharing their Santa collection as well. It’s a beautiful celebration shared throughout the holiday, and we hope visitors will come out to our Commons Area above the main lobby to view these items. The display continues until the first week of January. For further information, contact Kitty Zuckerman, SVWC’s Marketing Communications Specialist at 540-665-5915.